43rd International EPTA Conference September 9 – 12 MADRID 2021

Call for Registration
Registration for the 43rd International EPTA Conference will end on August 15, 2021.
EPTA – Spain
- Participants / non-members: 180 EUR, early booking 160 EUR.
- EPTA Spain Members: 170 EUR, early booking 150 EUR.
- Lecturer: 160 EUR, early booking 140 EUR.
- Student: 90 EUR.
- Gala Dinner 65 EUR, early booking 60 EUR.
Applications are reviewed as they are received with a final deadline: August 15, 2021 at 23:59PM Spain Time. Early booking registration prices will remain in effect until May 31, 2021 at 11:59pm Spain Time.
All those enrolled will be able to freely access all the conferences at the RCSMM in addition to having access to the virtual conference.
Payment in full must be made through bank transfer to the following bank account data:Account Holder: ASOC EUROPEA DE PROFESORES DE PIANO EPTA
IBAN : ES74 0128 0018 5101 0003 8586
Address: C/ López de Hoyos 116-118. 28002 Madrid (Spain)
Please, keep your bank transfer receipt for your records. You will need to add it in order to fill out and send your registration form.
Desde el equipo directivo de EPTA España, nos complace informar que se habilitarán acreditaciones para asistir a las diferentes sesiones en turnos de mañana o tarde así como de sesiones consecutivas (mañana y tarde o tarde y mañana del día siguiente) hasta completar aforo (aproximadamente 20 vacantes por sesión).
Sesión de mañana (9:00/10:00 a 14:00): 30€
Sesión de tarde (15:00 a 18:00/19:00): 30€
Día completo o dos sesiones consecutivas de tarde y de mañana: 50€
Los interesados deberán presentarse en la entrada del RCSMM (C/Doctor Mata, 2) y pasar por la mesa de registro de la Conferencia EPTA para recibir la acreditación y realizar el pago en el momento mediante BIZUM al nº de teléfono: +34 656 30 72 74.
Si no disponen de este medio de pago, les rogamos acudan con máxima puntualidad para poder realizar la transferencia bancaria allí mismo y enviar justificante mediante correo electrónico a la dirección: epta.es@gmail.com. No está permitido el pago en metálico.
IBAN : ES74 0128 0018 5101 0003 8586
Dirección: C/ López de Hoyos 116-118. 28002 Madrid (Spain)
Solo se habilitarán pases asistiendo presencialmente al RCSMM en el horario marcado a continuación y realizando el pago en el momento de la acreditación. Los pases se habilitarán por orden de llegada hasta completar las vacantes por lo que se ruega respetar el turno de llegada. El horario de atención a los interesados y de otorgar la correspondiente acreditación es:
Jueves de 10:30 a 13:00, acreditaciones para cualquier turno de sesiones de la conferencia.
Jueves de 14:30 a 15:00, acreditaciones para la sesión de tarde del jueves 9 y de mañana del viernes 10.
Viernes de 14:30 a 15:00, acreditaciones para la sesión de tarde del viernes 10 y de mañana del sábado 11.
Sábado de 14:30 a 15:00, acreditaciones para la sesión de tarde del sábado 11 y de mañana del domingo 12.
Quienes deseen asistir al espectáculo de danza española y flamenco en Casa de Vacas deberán reservar un correo enviando un mensaje con el asunto «CASA DE VACAS» a epta.es@gmail.com. Solamente hay disponibles 20 entradas que se otorgarán por estricto orden de llegada. Una vez recibido el correo, se les comunicará si hay disponibilidad de entradas y la forma de pago.
Connecting Continents & Traditions Conference Final Schedule
Download Detailed Program in PDF
Thursday, September 9, 2021
- Conference Accreditations: Madrid Royal Conservatory. 10:30 – 12:30 Hs.
- Conference Opening: Madrid Royal Conservatory – Manuel de Falla Hall. 13:00 Hs.
- Conferences / Lecture Recitals / Presentations: Madrid Royal Conservatory 15:00 – 18:45.
- Reception Gala Concert & Dinner: September 9, 2021. Casino de Madrid Royal Hall. 20:00 Hs.
Friday, September 10, 2021
- Conferences / Lecture Recitals / Presentations: Madrid Royal Conservatory
Morning session
09:00 – 14:00.
Afternoon session
15:00 – 18:05.
- Special Concert of Spanish Music with Spanish Songs and Zarzuela (Spanish Operetta) & Cocktail in the School Garden: Escuela Superior de Canto de Madrid. 19:30 Hs.
Saturday, September 11, 2021
- Conferences / Lecture Recitals / Presentations: Madrid Royal Conservatory
Morning session
10:00 – 13:45.
14:00 AGM Meeting (only EPTA Presidents)
Afternoon session
15:00 – 18:35.
- Final Gala Concert with Spanish Dance and Flamenco: Casa de Vacas Auditorium at El Retiro Park. 19:30 Hs.
Sunday, September 12, 2021
- Conferences / Lecture Recitals / Presentations: Madrid Royal Conservatory
Morning sessions
10:00 – 13:30
- Closing Ceremony: Madrid Royal Conservatory. 13:30 Hs.
Conference on streaming from Musical Arts Madrid to be announced.
Venues: RCSMM, MAM, Escuela Superior de Canto de Madrid, Casa de Vacas Auditorium & Casino de Madrid.
Excursions organized for the conference
- Guided visit to the Prado Museum. A journey through music in the Prado.
- Guided visit to the Museum and Library of the RCSMM.
- Guided visit to the Reales Sitios de Aranjuez or El Escorial: There is a possibility to organize a visit to Aranjuez or El Escorial Palace on Sunday afternoon. If you are interested, and can stay longer in Madrid, please let us know writing an email to epta.es@gmail.com Subject “Sunday Palace Visit”.
Madrid is a city with endless possibilities for accommodation. The RCSMM is located on the Paseo del Arte, which includes the Prado Museum, the Reina Sofía Museum and the Thyssen Bornemisza Museum in just about 500 meters distance. In addition, this famous boulevard contains the Royal Botanical Garden and is located a few meters away from the beautiful Retiro Park. Other cultural attractions located a few meters away are the National Library, the Caixa-Forum cultural building, the Mapfre Foundation, and the Palacio de Cibeles which are the current headquarters of the Madrid City Council. The Atocha Train Station located in front of the RCSMM makes possible to take a high-speed train (AVE) to any city in Spain.
We suggest booking accommodation on the closest areas to the RCSMM. They vary considerably from one to another. We give you some tips so that you can choose accommodation in the area that is more to your liking (look the meters distance on foot to the Conservatory from the different neighborhoods below).
Atocha (0 – 400 ms. Metro: Estación del Arte): It is where the Royal Conservatory of Music is located. It is a reference point of arrival for all tourists because in its heart is one of the arrival stations for AVE trains, which connects Madrid with other European cities. The streets of this neighborhood are full of shops, and restaurants for all tastes and budgets. The Atocha Station includes all the terminals of high-speed AVE trains, intercity trains, and Metro lines.
Lavapiés (750 ms. Metro: Lavapiés / Tirso de Molina): Multicultural and youthful neighborhood that has acquired a notable notoriety as one of the most attractive hipster neighborhoods in Europe. Read more here.
Barrio de las Letras (800 – 1000 ms. Metro Sol, Metro Antón Martín, Metro Tirso de Molina): Historic Madrid neighborhood with a baroque flavor where the most distinguished writers of the Golden Age of Spanish Literature lived, such as Lope de Vega, Cervantes, Quevedo, Tirso de Molina, Góngora or Calderón. This neighborhood hosted writers and artists, along with lovers of literature who came to the «Corrales de Comedias del Príncipe de la Pacheca (Current Spanish Theater), or de la Cruz.» It is one of the most attractive areas in terms of nightlife. This neighborhood is located in the heart of the city, right in the middle of two other areas of high tourist interest such as Sol-Gran Vía and Paseo del Arte.
Barrio de Salamanca (2000 – 2700 ms. Metro Serrano, Metro Goya, Metro Príncipe de Vergara, Metro Retiro): Elegant 19th century Madrid neighborhood especially famous for hosting some of the most expensive streets in Europe where boutiques and luxury brands are spread out.
Las Salesas (800 – 1000 ms. Metro Bilbao, Metro Alonso Martínez): Traditional neighborhood that has emerged in recent years as a promising small-scale shopping area where you can spend a day of shopping in the flagship stores of independent designers, combined with avant-garde gastronomy and art.
Malasaña (2400 – 2700 ms. Metro Noviciado, Metro Tribunal): It is the neighborhood with the most bohemian and modern residents of the city. Madrid’s benchmark for retro fashion and underground culture. Its nerve center is the Plaza de Dos de Mayo. This neighborhood is also closely linked to the “Movida”, a cultural and social revolution that emerged in Madrid during the 1980s. It is where the Escuela Superior de Canto is located.
Chueca (2000 – 2500 ms. Metro Chueca): LGBTI+ neighborhood known throughout the world for its pride parties and for being one of the largest areas with the most variety of LGBTI+ shops, bars, discos and venues in Europe.
Embajadores (1400-1500ms. Metro Embajadores): Industrial neighborhood with considerable commercial activity where there are cultural centers such as the Casa Encendida, the Circo Price or the Edificio Tabacalera. It is just a few meters away from Lavapiés.
Alonso Martínez (2000 – 2500ms. Metro Alonso Martínez, Metro Iglesia, Metro Rubén Darío) Elegant neighborhood where it is possible to find attractive restaurants and shops of all kinds.
Sol-Gran Vía (1400 – 1800ms. Metro Sol, Metro Callao, Metro Gran Vía): The nerve center of the city, a meeting point for tourists and locals. It is one of the best known and busiest areas in Spain full of Musical Theatre Venues and Shop Centers.
Opera (1900 – 2200ms. Metro Opera): One of the most stately areas of Madrid where the Royal Opera Theatre, the magnificent Royal Palace, the Sabatini gardens and the Campo del Moro are concentrated in just 200 meters.
Latina (1100 – 2000ms. Metro La Latina, Metro Tirso de Molina): Traditional neighborhood with typical houses where it is possible to find secluded squares and narrow streets full of young people drinking or eating something on the terraces. It is internationally known for being the location of the » El Rastro» flea market. Read more here.
Austrias (1700 – 2000 ms. Metro Sol, Metro La Latina): The oldest and most historic area of Madrid. The 15th century mansions and the Plaza Mayor are always an attraction for tourists where they cannot miss the San Miguel Market and the Cava Alta and Cava Baja streets, full of typical restaurants for “tapas”.
Chamartín (5600 ms): It is where Musical Arts Madrid (Metro Alfonso XIII) is located. MAM is the venue where different presentations of the 43rd EPTA-Spain International Conference will be made on streaming.
Must see places
Museo Reina Sofía (Atocha)
Museo Thyssen-Bornemissza (Paseo del Arte)
Palacio Real with the Stradivari collection (Sol / Opera)
Museo del Romanticismo (Alonso Martínez / Chueca)
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (Sol)
Biblioteca Nacional de España (Colón)
Convento de las Descalzas Reales (Sol, Gran Vía)
Casa Museo Lope de Vega (Barrio de Las Letras)
Ermita de San Antonio with Goya al fresco paintings
Parque del Retiro (Retiro, Salamanca)
Real Jardín Botánico (Paseo del Arte)
Other interesting places
Iglesia de los Jerónimos (Paseo del Arte)
Palacio de Cibeles – Madrid City Hall
Fundación Juan March (Salamanca)
Fundación Mapfre (Castellana, Alonso Martínez)
Edificio La Caixa (Paseo del Arte)
Real Fábrica de Tapices (Atocha)
Fundación Cristina Masaveu (Colón)
Círculo de Bellas Artes (Cibeles, Banco de España)
Fundación Telefónica (Gran Vía)
La Casa Encendida (Embajadores, Lavapiés)
Museo Naval (Banco de España, Cibeles)
Call for Proposals
Proposal Details
The Madrid 2021 EPTA Conference’s topic “Connecting Continents and Traditions” is a reflection of Spanish Music and Culture which has had an important impact on Western Civilization. It is as well an invitation to become immersed into the influences that music and pedagogy from all continents have had on Spanish music or education and viceversa.
“Connecting Continents and Traditions” celebrates the influence of Spanish Music in the international field of piano teaching, learning, composing and performing. We seek proposals that demonstrate effective knowledge and interesting contributions about connecting influences and different traditions in music, performing or pedagogy. Contributions on this matter related to or connected to Spanish music, art, literature, culture, tradition, folklore, etc. will always be welcome but are not compulsory.
The Madrid 2021 EPTA Conference will take place simultaneously at Madrid Royal Conservatory of Music (RCSMM) and Musical Arts Madrid (MAM), starting Thursday, September 9 at 12.00 AM, and closing on Sunday, September 12 at 14.00 PM. The Conference in the classic format will be joined live at RCSMM and at the same time there will be a virtual conference – with a different schedule – on streaming from MAM to prevent limited capacity and travel restrictions for those who may not be able to join the conference in Madrid. MAM has an innovative e-learning platform that ensures a good sound quality, interaction and presentation on streaming. The committee will decide which of the live conferences, lectures, etc., will also be selected for the virtual conference. There will be an official reception with gala dinner at the historial Casino of Madrid on Thursday evening, September 9. We encourage you to book your assistance as soon as we open registration on January 11, 2021.
We invite proposals from pianists, teachers, educators and researches, either well-known professionals or emerging professionals and students. All persons who submit proposals will be notified by May 15, 2021. Presenters also selected for the virtual conference from MAM will be informed at least two months before the beginning of the Conference.
Some topic suggestions
- Connecting continents and traditions in performance, pedagogy and composition
- Spanish music and its relationship with music from other countries, continents and cultures
- Classical music with Spanish/Iberian influences of any kind
- Latinamerican music
- Approaches to teaching and learning
- Pedagogy
- Research
- Panel discussions
- Technology
- Social justice
- Health and wellness for pianists
- Psychological aspects of music
Session Formats and Lengths
- Presentation: 20 minutes
- Research Presentation: 20 minutes
- Short Lecture Recital: 25 minutes
- Long Lecture Recital: 35 minutes
- Panel discussion: 35 minutes
- Interactive Workshop: 35 minutes (adapted to COVID regulations at the moment of the conference)
Proposal Requirements
- Complete title of proposed session as it would appear in the program.
- Format and length of proposed session.
- Presenter´s artistic name and short bio (150 words) as they would appear in the program.
- An abstract of session not to exceed 300 words.
- Description of session not to exceed 50 words for the conference program book.
- Digital photo of presenter suitable for program. Color headshot of each presenter preferred; 300dpi.
- Optional: Presenters can attach any link to videos or archives that may help to improve their proposals.
Proposal Policies and Procedures
- All presenters whose work is selected are expected to register for and attend the 43 International EPTA Conference on September 9-12, 2021.
- In case of more than one presenter, please make sure all co-presenters are available to join the conference before sending any proposal.
- Proposers must submit genuine material.
- The selection committee may request an alternative time length or format for selected proposals.
- Presenters must specify what they need for their presentations.
- Sessions may be programmed on the live conference and/or the virtual/online conference.
- All persons who submit proposals will be notified by May 15, 2021.
- Presenting at the EPTA Conference is a voluntary activity and EPTA does not offer any compensation or reimbursement for expenses of any kind incurred in connection with presenting at the Madrid 2021 International EPTA Conference.